Thread -- The Trust Thermocline

I'm not really 'doing' Twitter any more, but here's an interesting thread I came across the other day via a comment on Ars Technica:

The concept is the 'Truth Thermocline', i.e. a sudden step-change in how the erosion of user trust suddenly and catastrophically manifests as action.

“How did you go bankrupt?"
Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” ― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

I suppose the mechanism here is that users have limited ways of signalling their dissatisfaction, particularly in the 'actionable negative' context, except for the high-energy, high-impact method of cancelling their subscription, or whatever the equivalent is. This makes it very much a lagging indicator, and all the soft-shoe buildup to that is 'much harder to take seriously' for the organisation at large.

But it all reaches critical mass at once, and the bill comes due.